By: J.D. Ross
(315) 443-3094

R. David Lankes, Professor and Dean’s Scholar for the New Librarianship at the School of Information Studies (iSchool) has released his book, Expect More: Demanding Better Libraries for Today’s Complex World for free on the online publishing platform Medium, as well as providing files available for downloading on his own blog.

Expect More was originally published in the spring of 2012.

“Since Expect More was been published, it has sold thousands of copies and been used by librarians and those working with libraries,” explained Lankes. “By making the digital version of the book freely available, I hope that more librarians can use the book to engage their boards, principals, and provosts in a constructive conversation about the future of their libraries.”

In addition to the Medium version, Lankes has made the book available as a PDF, and in formats for popular e-reader devices, such as Amazon Kindle, Nook and Sony readers, and Apple’s iBook format.  [More information and download links]

Lankes’ blog also includes videos from his New Librarianship Master Class, a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) that he developed last summer at the iSchool.

At the iSchool. Lankes is also director of the Information Institute of Syracuse. He has been a visiting fellow at the National Library of Canada, the Harvard School of Education, and the first fellow of ALA’s Office for Information Technology Policy. His book “The Atlas of New Librarianship,” co-published by the Association of College & Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association, and MIT Press, won the 2012 ABC-CLIO/Greenwood Award for the Best Book in Library Literature.