The iSchool mourns the death of Katie Bennett, a 2010 (B.S., IM&T) and 2012 (M.S., IM) graduate of our programs and a technology analyst with JPMorgan Chase & Co.

“Katie was one of the best. She worked extremely hard on any project or assignment that she had in front of her (both academically and professionally). She was ALWAYS smiling and upbeat and because of this she had more friends than anyone I know. She loved her family and her friends, and will be deeply missed.”

-Professor Jeffrey Rubin

Share your Remembrance

We invite everyone who has been touched to share their stories and remembrances with us as we mourn together.

In Your Words:

Words cannot express how saddened I am to hear of the loss of Katie. She was one of the kindest, sweetest, most generous and selfless people I know. I have wonderful memories of our iSchool days together with her infectious laugh and positive personality. Katie, you will be truly missed and in our hearts forever.
Submitted By: Jamie Greene

As someone from the class of 2010 and the graduate class of 2012 this is truly sad. Katie was a true professional, a class act and a true hard worker. My heart and prayers go out to her and her family. RIP Katie

I’m so shocked and sadden to learn of Katie’s passing. I had the pleasure of working with Katie at Sidearmsports.  Always willing to go the extra mile, Sweet, Friendly and very Intelligent.  My thoughts go out to Her family and friends at this time.

Katie was an amazing young woman and a terrific student. She was sweet and gracious and smart and kind. And beautiful as well! Our whole school is so saddened by this loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family & friends.

Katie Bennett was the best friend you always wanted, and was the person you always wanted to be. It was hard to find a flaw in Katie. She worked hard, she accomplished everything she set her mind to and she always made sure people gave it their all when it came to the good times and bad.
My first class at Syracuse University was an intro to IT class, IST 195. I was still unsure as to whether I wanted to remain in the school, or if IT was really the path I wanted to go down. I sat behind Katie and instantaneously, when I heard her voice and her laugh she made me smile. Everyone was nervous for their first class, and didn’t know what to expect but Katie was all smiles and didn’t show an ounce of emotion towards being nervous; she was beyond excited. Since then, Katie and I were in all the same IT classes together and had it not been for her I don’t think I would have ever tried as hard as I did. Katie was someone who always told you to do your best because it would pay off, and in the end, 10 times out of 10 she was right! She made me study with her even if it meant staying up all night, and she helped me any time I needed it. I am where I am today because of Katie’s help, drive and motivation.
To say Katie was my support system at Syracuse is a great understatement. She was my rock, my back bone, my heart and my best friend. School, sorority drama, guys, family issues… Katie was there for me through it all, as I was for her. She is someone I always looked up to and someone I always strived to be like. Katie’s birthday was January 26 and mine is the 25th and when we first found that out that we were a day a part, it was like fate; from then on our birth-days’ were always a dual celebration (Aquarius’ always stick together). People in the iSchool always told us that they never could see one of us without seeing the other, and every time someone told us that I would laugh and she would make her infectious giggle, and all through Syracuse we would be each other’s other half.

Post, school Katie was still there for me not matter what I needed. No matter how long it had been since we last spoke, or last saw each other, when we spoke it was like we picked right back up where we left off. Our friendship was one of a kind, and I know I could never find what I had with Katie with anyone else. In college, you find out who you truly are and who you want to be and where you want to go, and I would never have been able to discover those things about myself without Katie. She helped me become a better person, better student, better sister and even more so, a better friend. She was one of a kind and she will always have a place in my heart. She was an angel! God works in mysterious ways, but I do know that God was given a very special angel to watch over all of us. Katie- I love now, always and forever!


Katie was a beautiful person inside and out. Her smile was infectious and her personality shined bright. Her passing was a shock and my prayers go out to her family. She will always be remembered and I will carry her memory in my heart. It doesn’t take much for someone to make an impression and Kaite, even though we may not have been close, we shared good memories. May she rest in peace. With much love. LITB

Katie was truly one of the good ones!! I only had a short time in AXO to get to know her but she always had a smile on her face and was one of the classiest people I know. This truly is a terrible loss for everyone! Sending prayers and positive wishes to Katie’s family, her AXO sisters and anyone who had the honor to know this fantastic lady!!!


I met Katie in our first IT class, and first of many classes together in the iSchool, the first week at SU in 2006. Katie stood out as someone that had gravity to her – she instantly pulled you in with her smile & laughter and never let go. Shortly into the semester we started working together at ICS (SIDEARM today) and our friendship grew from there. Katie and I became close friends and often shared anything from our goals & dreams for the future to plans for the weekend. No matter what it was, Katie was happy to talk to you about it! I was lucky to have such a friend as Katie, who was always there for me through thick and thin as she was for so many people.

It’s no surprise that as Katie’s life goals became clearer she stuck very closely to her ambitions and worked very hard in her educational and professional careers. She was such a role model that drove everyone around her to strive for the same success. In 2009 Katie started the first GET internship. She and I went out to celebrate that accomplishment which I will hold as one of my most significant personal moments shared with her.

I wish her family, friends, and anyone else that was fortunate enough to have a relationship with Katie all the best at this difficult time.

Katie’s life is one to be celebrated – taken too soon from all of us. Her infectious smile could light up any room she walked into. She was a beautiful person inside and out, who always carried a positive attitude with her everywhere she went. I don’t think I can remember a single moment in the year we spent living together in the sorority house, when I didn’t see Katie smiling. My heart goes out to her family during this difficult time. Shocked and saddened when I heard the news — Paul Simon’s ‘A Bridge Over Troubled Water’ rang in my ears yesterday: “Sail on silver girl, sail on by
Your time has come to shine, and all your dreams will run their way
See how they shine, oh, if you need a friend, I’m sailing right behind…”
I hope you’re dancing up in heaven Katie. You will be truly missed. LITB

Katie was an amazing, brilliant and professional person. I’m fortunate I had the opportunity to to work with her as a Peer Advisor. She was a great human being and a kind soul. You will be missed Katie.

Katie had a unique ability to instantly make people feel loved, happy, and excited about life. Her laugh was contagious and her energy sparkled through her eyes. My thoughts are with her family at this difficult time.

I’m privileged to have known such an accomplished and selfless woman.

LITB, Cyndee

Although I didn’t know Katie too well, she was a friendly acquaintance while we were active in greek life at Syracuse. She was always nice, kind and friendly, and had a smile that was infectious. My condolences go out to her family and friends.

Katie was a wonderful person she was smart,funny, and beautiful -she made my job of working with her very easy. I remember many conversations we had over the years she was a student at the iSchool. Katie-may you rest in peace knowing how much we loved you and will miss you.
I could not believe the news when I heard that Katie had left us. She was one of the most genuine people I met at AXO and was truly a good person. I wish I had gotten to know her better and that we had been closer during our four years together. She has been taken too soon. I am sending my deepest thoughts and prayers to her family at this trying time. LITB <3 PC 07′

Katie and I worked together at SIDEARM Sports from 2010-2011. Katie was so talented, well-respected and overall carefree person. She will be missed terribly. My thoughts and prayers are with Katie’s friends and family.

Katie– It’s amazing to see how many people have responded and reached out already. Demonstrating what we all already knew– how loved you really were. A wonderful girl with a great smile and a heart for others– you’ll truly be missed. My prayers are with your family and friends during this hard time.

This is incredibly sad to hear. I remember Katie from our iSchool Peer Advisor/JPMC GET internship days, and she was always such a wonderful person to be around with a great personality. She will truly be missed, and my thoughts and prayers go out to her family and friends.

I’ll always remember Katie’s laugh- it was infectious. She was always so positive and cheerful, and even if she was faced with a challenge she’d always find the silver lining. Katie was patient, she was thoughtful, she was kind, and she was genuine. I always admired Katie for the way she held herself and for how she treated others. It’s heartbreaking that her life was cut so short- she had so much more to offer to her friends and family and the world.

Rest in peace, Katie, and know that we miss you more than we can put into words.


Katie Bennett is truly unforgettable. I had the pleasure of being her sorority sister, her roommate and her friend. We lived together junior year off campus and I have to say there’s no one more pleasant or positive to be around. Katie’s smile and laugh were infectious and her soul was completely pure. When I met Katie I felt like I had known her for years not just minutes. She’s one of those people you don’t realize you missed in your life until you meet her and wonder how you hadn’t met her sooner and what you’d ever done without her. When I think of my time at Syracuse, Katie’s a part of nearly every fond memory and she’ll remain in my thoughts and heart always. She’s the brightest star in the sky and I know she’s looking down on us smiling. Thank you, Katie, for being such an impactful part of my life. LITB always.

Katie, in the times I was with her at Syracuse, was effervescent, her positivity unfailing, her demeanor gracious and kind. She lifted the energy of a room and I’m so lucky to have known her.

I still can’t full comprehend that Katie’s full and beautiful life has been cut short. We were acquaintances while working at SIDEARM together, but then developed a friendship after working as GA’s together for IST 195 for two semester in the 2010-11 school year. We spent hours every Friday sitting in the 010 lab of the iSchool talking and laughing between helping students. I remember thinking I wish we had become friends sooner. My heart breaks for Katie, her family, and her friends. She truly was someone you wanted to have as a friend, girlfriend, daughter, sister, and part of your life. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone during this difficult time.

I cannot recall a memory of Katie without her big blue eyes twinkling and a bright smile beaming on her cheerful face. Her warm, welcoming disposition always made me feel accepted and at ease. Such a gentle soul, who’s positive presence boosted the spirits of all she came across, will be greatly missed.

I joined OPDT as a sophomore and Katie was in one of my dance classes. She was always so friendly to everyone in class and was an incredibly talented dancer! I got to know her a little bit through our extra practices and she was so kind and definitely helped make me feel comfortable during my first year in OPDT. Rest in peace Katie, you will be remembered lovingly always!

Katie was one of the most genuine girls I have ever known. She had a huge heart and a smile that lit up the room. I feel blessed to have known such a wonderful person, and will forever cherish our memories.

Ellen and Family ~
I was saddened to hear of the death of your daughter. Although I didn’t know Katie, reading the tributes to her from friends and colleagues it showed that Katie was a beautiful person and will be missed by many.
You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers during this very sad time. My sincere Sympathy.
Sandi DeBruycker

Katie was a talented, beautiful young woman who will be missed. LITB RIP

It is difficult to find the right words to describe Katie, mainly because it’s so difficult to comprehend the fact that she is gone. From the moment I met her, Katie has impacted my life — always positive, always kind, always striving to do more. Katie is definitely the most determined and hard-working person I’ve ever met. Her selflessness never ceased to amaze me. She took on so much, but never asked for help, only asked how she could help others. I will never be able to find the words that will give justice to Katie’s legacy — all I can do is keep her beautiful smiling face in my mind and our wonderful memories in my heart. We’ve truly lost one of the best. Rest in peace my angel.