By: Hailey Temple

At Syracuse University, “Scholarship in Action” is what drives students to earn a well-rounded education while applying their skills and passions to benefit the surrounding community. Jaclyn Badger, a junior at the School of Information Studies (iSchool), was awarded Syracuse University’s 2013 Scholarship in Action Merit Scholarship.

The Scholarship in Action Merit Scholarship is given to 11 upper-class students of junior standing or above who demonstrate the qualities of scholarship in action during their academic career. Recipients must also have an overall grade point average of 3.0 and have entered the year without a merit scholarship from the university. Badger will receive $6,000 during her final two academic years.

“I am very thankful I was offered this scholarship and want to thank Julie (Walas) Huynh, who has always been by my side and assists me in many ways,” said Badger. “My initiative is to remain committed and challenged throughout my years at the iSchool at Syracuse, and represent to other students how simply becoming involved can assist them in so many ways now and in their future.”

Badger has been an active member of the iSchool community, serving as a peer advisor and BeIT board member. She has also served the university as an ITS student consultant and member of the Alpha Phi Omega community service fraternity. As an intern for IBM and Fox News, Badger says she is proud to have represented the iSchool by showing the exceptional skills she has earned during her academic career.

iSchool Dean Liz Liddy acknowledges Badger’s merit as a representation of the iSchool’s initiative: “I am delighted that Jackie has been awarded this honor, as it reflects well on her and the iSchool. At the iSchool, we think of ourselves as a very externally-focused school and support a vision of education for the world, in the world,” said Liddy.

As Bagder reflects on her iSchool experience and looks toward the future, she is thankful for the iSchool’s support and plans to continue applying the Scholarship in Action vision during her career at Syracuse University. “The iSchool has helped me tremendously in shaping and building my career as an IM&T major,” said Badger. “I’ve realized it is important to become involved in your school by participating in various clubs and activities, and try to show leadership skills. Networking, meeting new people, and being able to put yourself out there is what will make a student succeed.”