By: Hailey Temple

Located at the south end of San Francisco Bay, Silicon Valley is known as the birthplace of technological brilliance and innovation. Dotted with offices for Google, Facebook, Twitter, and thousands of startups, the Valley provides the opportunity to be at the forefront of developments in technology. iSchool senior Billy Ceskavich is in the driver’s seat of this journey, working as an intern for one of Silicon Valley’s most popular companies.

Based in Redwood City, California, Evernote is a storage application that allows users to keep notes, pictures, voice reminders, and to-do lists on all devices. Evernote manages other applications including Skitch and Penultimate. As a Developer Relations Intern, Ceskavich is responsible for being a liaison for the development community. By promoting Evernote’s open API, he manages the social media accounts and forums to connect with developers. Ceskavich is also responsible for organizing, promoting, and judging Evernote’s Dev Cup and developing an education initiative for Evernote’s API. 

“It’s really fun because I am doing real work in a fast-paced but relaxed environment. The people are so nice and inviting, and I don’t feel like an intern,” said Ceskavich. “I am surrounded by friends of all ages who are vibrant, brilliant, and experienced.”

Since settling into the professional scene in Silicon Valley, Ceskavich has picked up on the quirks and perks of working in the technology capital. Benefits include gourmet lunches, casual office spaces and free computer accessories to borrow for work. Overall, Ceskavich describes the Valley as “monolithic — everything is out here and it’s amazing that there is such a concentration of companies that are changing the world. The people here are so laid-back, yet they are famous in the international tech world. It’s so cool to be able to put a face on the people running the industry.”

Ceskavich first connected with Evernote during Spring Break in Silicon Valley, a trip hosted by the iSchool that exposes students to corporate campuses, incubators, and law firms in the Bay area. Through his initial meeting with Evernote during the trip, he landed a series of interviews and was offered the internship in March. Through his experience as an intern, Ceskavich has learned the benefits of making the trip and connecting with companies. “It’s hard to get your foot in the door in Silicon Valley unless you know someone. SBinSV provided that personal connection that wouldn’t have otherwise been possible and helped me get over that first barrier,” said Ceskavich.