By: Hailey Temple

Yvenique Lovinsky, a junior at the School of Information Studies (iSchool), is one of 16 students selected to participate in the 2015 Dulye Leadership Experience – a full-scholarship career development program for Syracuse University upperclassmen.

The Dulye Leadership Experience (DLE) helps students build skills, networks and knowledge to prepare for successful internships and job experiences. The program includes a three-day boot camp, held in mid-March in the Berkshires, where students will receive coaching from distinguished leaders in various fields. The students will engage with mentors through sessions about entrepreneurship, job interviews, and transitioning into the workforce.

After attending a DLE workshop in November and learning more from a DLE ambassador, Lovinsky knew she wanted to participate in the program. “I learned that the Dulye Leadership Experience is more than a professional development program. From Linda Dulye, the DLE alumni, and mentors, I realized that this program focuses on continuously paying forward experience and education,” said Lovinsky.

Lovinsky’s personal and professional interests have already blossomed into a successful career. This summer she will be interning as a buyer for Macy’s, an extension of her minor in Marketing and a concentration in Digital Retail Strategies. She is also pursuing independent research about the ways information communication technology supports microbusinesses in third-world countries with a focus on Haiti. She hopes to continue her research and gain support through the McNair Scholars Program, which supports hands-on research and navigates recipients to graduate studies.

“My parents are from Haiti, so I am basically paying back my education and using my love for technology,” said Lovinsky. “ This is my passion and I am looking forward to connecting with other alumni and students at the DLE to learn more about their passions.”

Linda Dulye, a Syracuse University alumna, established the program to help exceptional students stand out in the competitive marketplace. Since the program started in 2008, 90 percent of DLE participants have found jobs or internships within three months following the program.

During the workshop, Lovinsky met Dulye and learned about the power of the University’s alumni network. “Linda is such a genuine spirit and I am so thankful that she is investing so much of her time and effort into us. It is so great to have people who want to be a part of your support system and share their experience,” said Lovinsky. “I have found this is a huge part of the culture at the iSchool and at Syracuse University.”