The School of Information Studies and the Humanities Center will welcome Jenna Freedman, zine maker, zine librarian, and associate director of communications at the Barnard College Library to Syracuse University this week for a public lecture and workshop event. 

In her public lecture, Freedman will show how library work, while frequently viewed as a support role in higher education, can also stand separate from enabling student learning and faculty research. Librarians and other library staff are doing important work that does not rely on curriculum or administrative decree through collecting materials such as zines, by performing their roles with empathy and a critical eye, and by creating safe spaces.

The lecture will be held on Thursday, April 5th at at 5:15 PM in the Peter Graham Scholarly Commons (Room 114) in Bird Library and is open to the campus community.

On Friday, April 6th, Freedman will host a zine making workshop entitled Seizing the Means of Publication. The workshop will be held from 9:00 AM – Noon in Bird Library room 002. To RSVP, e-mail Patrick Williams and  include any requests for accessibility accommodations.

Freedman’s undergraduate degree is in theater and she holds an MS in Library and Information Science. Her research and practice centers on zines and activist librarianship. She is a co-founder of the Radical Reference project, a collective of library and information workers who believe in and work towards social justice and equity.