Daniel Hong, technology manager for Bloomberg LP, will present 2010 Market Landscape: Enterprise-Wide Technology Strategies in an Increasingly Dynamic Market Data Management Environment.” The lecture, part of the HUB Fall Speaker Series, will take place at 2 p.m. on Thursday, November 11 in the Katzer Room, 347 Hinds Hall.

Hong will talk about enterprise level technology strategies in a corporate environment climate that has changed during recent economic tumult, as well as the financial needs of today and the future.

Bloomberg is a financial software news and data company founded in 1981 by Michael Bloomberg with the mission of bringing transparency to global markets through access to information that could increase capital flows, produce economic growth and jobs, and significantly reduce the cost of doing business.

About the HUB Collaboration
In June 2007, JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Syracuse University established a unique corporate-university collaboration and joint venture. The purpose of the collaboration is to develop education and work experience innovations in the area of financial services information technology, leveraging each other’s knowledge and expertise in the building of a best in class curriculum for entry-level technologists and to collaborate on projects of joint interest that provide value to both organizations and to society.

In 2009, The HUB was launched to include other universities and industries. The HUB universities and industries share knowledge to better prepare students to work in complex technology environments and to develop creative and innovative solutions to global technology business problems. The HUB goal is for students, faculty, companies, universities and the broader community to benefit from these collaborative efforts. Universities and companies collaborate in four key areas: curriculum enhancement, extended internships, applied research and community engagement. For more information about The HUB, visit http://globaltechhub.org.