By: J.D. Ross
(315) 443-3094

Incoming Master’s degree students at the School of Information Studies (iSchool) participated in an employer career panel discussion and networking event last week as part of their graduate orientation schedule.

Seventeen panelists from companies such as IBM, GEICO and JPMorgan fielded questions from an audience of over 125 students. The panelists offered information about skills needed for jobs in their fields, and answered questions on how students can best position themselves for employment after graduate school.

Panelists provided an overview of the current market for jobs across disciplines, including the IT field, telecommunications and libraries.

“The goal of the panel was for students to get a view of career development from employers,” said Sarah Hagelin, the iSchool’s Director of Career Services and Employer Relations. “The students really latched on to this, and it was an extremely interactive session. They asked questions ranging from industry trends, to what to focus on in studies, to how the panelists stay informed and continued their own career development. “

After the panel discussion ended, many students approached the panelists during lunch for one-on-one conversations about jobs in specific fields and companies. Themes that echoed throughout the event included the importance of people skills in addition to strong technical skills, and the weight placed on an applicant with a diverse educational background and work experiences.

“The lunch networking time was so successful, it lasted much longer than planned,” said Hagelin. “ The employers were extremely pleased and impressed with our students, and the students were grateful for the opportunity to meet such great employers.”