Getting the Most out of your MSLIS Program
Hosted by Professor Jill Hurst-Wahl
November 2017
Congratulations, you are now in a Master’s of Library and Information Science program and working quickly towards becoming a professional librarian. The time you are spending in your MSLIS/MLIS/MLS program will go by quickly. What do you need to be doing to ensure that you get the most from it?
This webinar will give you actions to take to position yourself for success in your program and afterwards as an LIS professional. By the end of the webinar, you will have a series of tried and true steps on which to embark.
Presented by Associate Professor of Practice Jill Hurst-Wahl, who served as the director of the Syracuse University iSchool MSLIS program from 2012-2017. She is the co-author of The Information and Knowledge Professional’s Career Handbook: Define and Create Your Success. A former corporate librarian, Jill has always been an advocate for expanding the career opportunities for LIS graduates.