By: J.D. Ross
(315) 443-3094

Two School of Information Studies (iSchool) faculty members have been nominated for Instructor of the Year awards by the Web-based Information Science Education (WISE) Consortium. The award highlights outstanding WISE instructors and recognizes them for their dedication to quality online education.

Adjunct Instructor Patrick Fitzgibbons was selected for his teaching of IST 553 – Information Architecture for Internet Services, and Assistant Professor of Practice Jill Hurst-Wahl was selected for her class, IST 677 – Creating and Managing Digital Assets.

“It is very nice to see that the effort I put in online is appreciated,” said Hurst-Wahl, upon learning of her nomination.

All students who enroll in a course through WISE within a given calendar year are invited to submit nominations for the award. Students provide a statement on the best aspects of the instructor’s teaching style, what they enjoyed most about the course and interactions with the instructor, and any other information they wish to share.

The WISE Consortium uses advanced technology as a means to enrich library science education and foster relationships among students, faculty and universities, through course sharing and cooperative pedagogical training. The initiative provides a collaborative distance education model that increases quality, access and diversity of online education opportunities in library and information science.

WISE will announce the award recipients in January.