By: J.D. Ross
(315) 443-3094

The first Brown Bag talk of the Fall 2013 semester will feature Paul Bennett, a researcher in the Context, Learning & User Experience for Search (CLUES) group at Microsoft Research.

Bennett will present his talk, “Mining, Understanding, and Modeling Context in Web Search,” on September 19 at Noon in the Katzer Room in Hinds Hall.

The abstract for Bennett's talk: 

Information retrieval has made significant progress in returning relevant results for a single query. However, much search activity is conducted within a much richer context of a current task focus, recent search activities as well as longer-term preferences. For example, our ability to accurately interpret the current query can be informed by knowledge of the web pages a searcher was viewing when initiating the search or recent actions of the searcher such as queries issued, results clicked, and pages viewed. 

The talk is free, and open to the public.