The Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning (FCTL) at the School of Information Studies (iSchool) has released its schedule for Fall 2016 professional development opportunities.

All FCTL sessions have been designed to support the entire Syracuse University faculty, and are open to instructors from all Syracuse schools and colleges, full time, adjunct, and Ph.D. students, unless otherwise indicated.

The professional development opportunities will take three forms – 15 minute quick sessions, large group session topics, and ICE Box lunchtime talks.

Quick Hit Mondays – 15 Minute Sessions

Throughout the semester, Quick Hits will be held in 15 minute sessions on Mondays (unless otherwise noted).  These sessions will be held in 206F Hinds Hall with a maximum of 8 people attending.  Session times are from 12:00 – 12:15 PM.

Monday, September 12
Blackboard – Student View

Tuesday, September 30
Tools Available to SU Students

Monday, September 26
Syllabi: Using Action Verbs in Learning Objectives

Monday, October 3
Polling Using Adobe Connect (hands on session, bring device)

Monday, October 10
Blackboard: Interactive rubrics

Monday, October 17
Symbaloo – visual bookmarking tool

Monday, October 24
Blackboard: how to embed YouTube videos in Blackboard

Monday, October 31
Blackboard: Using Adobe Connect in Blackboard 

Monday, November 7
Blackboard: Communication tools (Blogs, Wikis, Journals, Discussion Board)

Monday, November 28
Blackboard: Gradebook


Large Group Discussion Topics

These large group sessions allow faculty members to come together for discussions, to share ideas, and be able to walk away with tools that can be used to enhance the quality of teaching.   Some of the sessions are hands-on workshops where the instructor can bring their own device to be actively engaged while learning.

Monday, September 19
Exemplary Course Design in Blackboard
12:00 – 1:00 PM – 347 Hinds Hall

Friday, October 21
Cool Technologies
12:00 – 1:00 PM – 347 Hinds Hall

Wednesday, November 2
Flip a Lesson Plan (hands on workshop, bring device)
12:00 – 1:00 PM – 347 Hinds Hall

Tuesday, November 8
Getting Past the Paper- Videos (hands on workshop, bring device)
3:00 – 4:00 PM – 347 Hinds Hall


ICE Box Talks

The Ice Box on the second floor of Hinds Hall serves as the venue for faculty to participate in an engaging session on various topics. ICE Box Talks are intended for an open discussion on whatever comes to mind in an informal setting to learn and share great ideas. All ICE Box Talks are held from 12:00 – 1:00 PM.

Friday, September 30
Slide Decks 

October, Date TBD
Using iPad in the Classroom – Extending the Whiteboard

Friday, December 2
Open Forum – come have conversation with FCTL

More details and registration information for all events is available on the FCTL website.

The FCTL programs are led by Peggy Takach, director of the FCTL, and Jeffrey Fouts, director of instructional technology at the iSchool.

“Our goal is to foster a dynamic and committed teaching and learning community from across distances and disciplines here at Syracuse,” said Takach. “We provide faculty members with the needed resources and support to excel in their teaching, so that their students develop the knowledge, competencies, and attitudes to thrive in a diverse and rapidly changing environment.”