Editor’s Note: The Social Media RoundUp is a weekly feature of Information Space.


image by readwrite.com

On February 3rd, Facebook launched Paper, a new Flipboard like smartphone app that will present your Facebook stories is a newspaper-like manner. In a blog post Facebook writes, “Paper makes storytelling more beautiful with an immersive design and fullscreen, distraction-free layouts. We’ve also made it easier to craft and share beautiful stories of your own.”

Last Friday, Twitter shook virtual hands with IBM when they bought 900 patents from Big Blue. After recently going public, Twitter seems to be amping up their library of patents to compete with large rivals, Google and Facebook. Ben Lee, Twitter’s legal director recently spoke about the deal when he said, “This acquisition of patents from IBM and licensing agreement provide us with greater intellectual property protection and give us freedom of action to innovate on behalf of all those who use our service.”

Pinterest recently did something very Pinteresting. The team at Pinterest just released a way to discover pins, and this is through a new tool called Interests. Your interests feed is specifically designed based on your personal tastes and pin history. You can log onto the desktop version of the site right now to start using the new tool, and the mobile version will be rolling out soon.

image by thehubcomms.com

image by thehubcomms.com

LinkedIn launched a new tool to help make the awkward task of making introductions, well a little less awkward. The “How You’re Connected” tool is designed to help users select the best or strongest path to an introduction. Now, when you visit someone’s profile, you will not only see who in your network knows them, but also how they know each other.

What do you think of this week’s top social media news? Let me know in the comments down below, and congrats to SU Basketball for BEATING DUKE!