School of Information Studies (iSchool) Ph.D. student Bryan Dosono has been sponsored to attend the Association for Computing Machinery’s (ACM) Turing Award Celebration in June.

The sponsorship is courtesy of the ACM’s Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI), and Dosono is one of 13 students recognized for their research in the field to represent SIGCHI at the ceremony.

ACM first awarded the A.M. Turing Award fifty years ago. Named for computing pioneer Alan Turing, the award recognizes major contributions of lasting importance in the computing field.  

At the Turing Award Celebration, ACM Turing laureates will join other ACM award recipients and experts in moderated panel discussions exploring how computing has evolved and where the field is headed. 

“I was a recent recipient of the SIGCHI Travel Grant, which provided me with the funding to present a full paper earlier this semester at ACM’s CSCW 2017,” said Dosono. “Since then, I have been constantly seeking more ways to get involved and give back to SIGCHI, and the Turing Award Celebration sounded like a great opportunity to continue networking with high-impact scholars, and I intend to promote the ongoing research of the iSchool’s Behavior, Information, Technology, and Society Laboratory (BITS) to the greater ACM community.” 

Dosono remarked that he is looking forward to interacting with distinguished leaders of the field, and hopes to share what he learns on their thoughts on the future of technology and innovation back to the iSchool when he returns.

“My doctoral research focuses on human-computer interaction and computer-supported cooperative work, and I’ve identified impactful design opportunities that improve the quality of life for marginalized citizens. I hope to produce research that is of lasting importance to both the ACM community and society at large,” he said. “I’m attempting to understand how Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders construct and express their identity in online communities, and my dissertation research uncovers the ways in which they negotiate collective action in the context of online identity work.”

Dosono is also a past recipient of the Google Policy Fellowship, the Ronald E. McNair Graduate Fellowship, and the iSchool Inclusion Institute Teaching Fellowship. 

“I am grateful for the iSchool faculty who brought this opportunity to my attention, and for the SIGCHI community who invests resources in cultivating the next generation of HCI scholars,” Dosono said of the opportunity to attend the event. “I cannot wait to meet the other 12 sponsored student scholars from all around the world and identify opportunities for future collaboration and research.”