Business schools are beginning to get into the Big Data game, as institutions like the University of Southern California’s Marshall School of Business introduced a Master of Business Analytics degree this fall. Companies continue to realize the power of employees that can analyze their data to produce meaningful insights, so more universities are trying develop students who can turn into effective employees. Of course, you could also get a degree from the iSchool at Syracuse University, which has a certificate in Data Science. Oh, did I mention the online program is one of the best in the country?

Workday uses employee data insights to inform human capital decisions

Workday uses employee data insights to inform human capital decisions

Data in Human Resources

Speaking of using data at work, a company called Workday is set to help businesses learn which of their top-performing employees are most likely to leave, and what it will take to make them stay. They will also be able to project which business unit is most likely to exceed its budget. The New York Times’ Bits blog has much more.

The Internet of Things and Data

You might use IFTTT to automatically turn on the lights when you are close to home. You might have a refrigerator that tells you if you are low on eggs. The Internet of Things is emerging quickly, and with it, more data is being generated faster. This means companies can better target advertising to you, and your privacy will disappear even more quickly than it already has. While the Internet of Things will improve many aspects of life, making it more efficient in some cases, it also comes with some cautions. Read this article from the New York Review of Books for more.

The 1940 Census

The 1940 Census

Historical Use of Data

Slate considers how we have used data throughout history, and why the bulk collection of data might not be such a positive thing.

As the article points out, Japanese-Americans cooperated with Census-takers in 1940 with the understanding that their information was protected. Congress, in the interest of national security, lifted these protections in 1942, and the information was then used to find the Japanese-Americans and bring them to internment camps. It is not always clear how information will be used as it is being collected. What is important to consider is who holds your information, and what might happen.

dData about Babies

The miracle of birth comes with diaper changes, late nights, and lots of crying.

FiveThirtyEight looked at the General Social Survey to find that men and women experience about the same amount of happiness after the birth of their first child. Once the second child comes around, though, it is the men that experience much more happiness.

What kind of data news have you heard about this week? Let us know what you think of these reports – or others you’ve discovered – below in the comments!