Kevin Crowston, Distinguished Professor of Information Science at the School of Information Studies (iSchool) was the recipient of the Silver Core Award from the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP)

The award is given to to those who have served IFIP as General Assembly members, committee and working group officers, and members of IFIP Congress program committees.

Crowston is a member of IFIP’s Working Group 8.2, which focuses on information systems and organizations. He has served as the working group’s webmaster, secretary, and vice chair. Most recently he served in the role of group chair, from 2013 – 2015. 

The award is named ‘silver core’ after magnetic core, once the most common form of computer memory.

He was previously honored by IFIP In 2004 when he received the organization’s Outstanding Service Award.

Crowston has been at the iSchool since 1996. His research focuses on new ways of organizing made possible by the use of information technology. In addition to his faculty duties, Crowston also currently serves as Associate Dean for Research at the School.