I’m in a very fortunate position.  I sit at a waypoint for student entrepreneurs, supporting (excitable) faculty, and local business owners.  I work for a company called Enitiative.

The non-profit started in 2007 with a $3 million grant from the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.   Enitiative was given 5 years to connect the entrepreneurial dots.  We and Kauffman both knew that Central New York buzzed with entrepreneurs just beneath its surface.  Small business, dorm-room companies, business plan competitions, incubators – CNY had all the necessary tools, it just needed a waypoint.

Enitiative is a vital, local resource that many people don’t realize is waiting in the wings. We work with 7 local colleges.  We connect students.  We build business.  We find funding.  Now, we’re pouring our resources into our new website.

If you have a few moments, I’d love it if you’d visit us.  We are here to help.