
Infographic Roundup: October 10th, 2011 by David Rosen

Information graphics, or infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge.  These graphics present complex information quickly and [...]

Infographic Roundup: October 10th, 2011 by David Rosen2020-07-10T20:58:14-04:00

Will Google+ Survive the Social Competition? by Shay Colson

Three months in, is Google+ the real deal or was it just a flash in the pan? As Facebook announces 500 million users in a single day, does Google's fledgling social effort have a fighting chance?

Will Google+ Survive the Social Competition? by Shay Colson2020-07-06T17:59:25-04:00

How (Not) to Repair a Water-Damaged iPhone by Jessica Smith

For a clumsy person whose phone is in hand more frequently than in pocket, I’ve had my fair share of cellular device disasters. This is precisely why two weeks ago, when sink met iPhone and iPhone met death immediately thereafter, I took the news like a seasoned phone battle veteran. What made this event different than my many tales of broken phones past was that this time, I decided I was going to fix it myself.

How (Not) to Repair a Water-Damaged iPhone by Jessica Smith2020-07-06T17:59:24-04:00

Digital Curation: Why You Should Consider a Career in eScience by Mia Breitkopf

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about some surprising career opportunities for library and information science grads. Brand new to this field, I'm having a great time imagining myself in different jobs. So far this week, I've pictured myself taking German to prepare for a career as a music librarian (thanks to Rachel Fox von Swearingen), working as an academic and librarianship game-changer like David Lankes, and becoming a data curation expert like Clifford Lynch.

Digital Curation: Why You Should Consider a Career in eScience by Mia Breitkopf2020-07-06T17:59:24-04:00

Seeing Through Visual Technologies by Jaime Snyder

From September 13-15, I attended the Second International Visual Methods Conference held at the Open University in Milton Keynes, UK. Visual methods cover a broad set of social science research tools and approaches, from video documentation to creating data visualizations. One of the most striking themes that surfaced during this three-day conference was a consistent connection drawn between images and technology.

Seeing Through Visual Technologies by Jaime Snyder2020-07-10T20:58:46-04:00

NPR Senior Strategist Andy Carvin Visits #Rotoloclass by Alyssa Henry

Andy Carvin is a senior strategist at National Public Radio. Carvin uses social media in his daily activities as a journalist to curate, verify and create content about breaking news in the Middle East. His twitter account, @acarvin, has over 55,000 followers, many of whom he interacts with and retweets regularly to create a real-time, interactive news stream. Carvin skyped into IST 486/ 686: Social Media in the Enterprise (also known as #rotoloclass) at Syracuse University's School of Information Studies (@iSchoolSU) on Thursday to discuss how online communities are changing journalism.

NPR Senior Strategist Andy Carvin Visits #Rotoloclass by Alyssa Henry2020-07-06T17:59:23-04:00

8 Reasons Information Professionals Should Care About Accessibility by Charlotte Flynn

Jay Yarrow’s 12 Most Annoying Things That Tech Companies Need To Fix Right Now gets a lot right, but misses what I consider to be a significant technology problem: lack of accessibility and poor usability for people with disabilities. Designing for accessibility is making products and services so that people with disabilities can use them. One could easily assemble a long list of technology accessibility failures. As a budding librarian, I am dismayed by the accessibility problems of library services. Kelly Ford has written about accessibility issues with ebook services and ebook readers (e.g. Kindle). As a music lover, I am disappointed by accessibility problems in online music services like Spotify, Pandora, and iTunes for people with visual impairments who use screen readers like JAWS or Apple VoiceOver to read digital text.

8 Reasons Information Professionals Should Care About Accessibility by Charlotte Flynn2020-07-10T21:01:29-04:00
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