By: J.D. Ross
(315) 443-3094

School of Information Studies (iSchool) assistant professor Carlos Caicedo will present a tutorial on “Modern Trends in Radio Frequency Spectrum Management” at the 6th Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Latin-American Conference on Communications which will take place in Cartagena, Colombia on November 5 – 7.

Caicedo’s tutorial will introduce and discuss the new mechanisms and initiatives that regulatory and standardization entities are considering and implementing to modernize radio frequency (RF) spectrum management.

“The RF spectrum is the key resource for the operation of wireless communication services and associated applications,” notes Caicedo. “Given the current importance of these services, it is very important to manage spectrum effectively.”

Caicdeo notes that several Latin American countries have moved forward in the last decade in considering new regulatory initiatives to modernize their spectrum management regulations. Secondary spectrum markets and dynamic spectrum access are among a few of the topics being considered.

“I hope that this tutorial will inform the attendees of the spectrum management topics, mechanisms and issues that entities like the Federal Communications Commission, the U.K.’s OFCOM, IEEE, and the wireless research community have been working on for some time,” said Caicedo.

Caicedo was recently awarded a faculty research grant from Google to explore and develop a tool to elaborate and evaluate wireless spectrum consumption models, and provide spectrum managers with the data they need to determine compatibility of spectrum use between different wireless systems and devices.

With this grant, Caicedo, and a Ph.D. student researcher will develop a software solution that helps to determine spectrum use compatibility between multiple systems, and methods to determine wireless spectrum use opportunities in a given area with the use of spectrum consumption models.

Caicedo is a member the IEEE Standards Association and of the IEEE Dynamic Spectrum Access and Networks Standardization committee’s working group on policy language and policy architectures for managing cognitive radio for dynamic spectrum access applications. His research interests are in the areas of dynamic spectrum access, new wireless markets and technologies, information security and agent-based modeling.