Sean Keeley ’00, blogger for the Syracuse-themed SB Nation blog Troy Nunes is an Absolute Magician, will deliver the next HINDSights Reflection Talk at the School of Information Studies (iSchool) this week.

The talk is part of the iSchool’s HINDSights Alumni Visitor Series, a program that matches visiting alumni with students for classroom visits, speaking engagements, and small meetings with student groups and organizations.

“We have many student organizations that want to connect with our alumni, and bring them back to campus to share their stories,” said Julie Walas Huynh, Director of Alumni and Student Engagement at the iSchool. “So this program has allowed us to bring Sean back to campus for a few days and give him an opportunity to meet with iSchool students, and let students learn from his experiences in the world of sports blogging.”

In addition to class visits and presentations, visiting alumni are treated to campus tours, meals with faculty members, and spend time getting caught up on what has happened at the University since they’ve left.

Keeley will visit the iSchool on November 17 and 18. He graduated in 2000 with a double major in marketing & entrepreneurship from the Whitman School of Management. He started his successful Nunes Magician blog in 2006, and has been the editor of Curbed Seattle since 2012.

He will give a Reflection Talk about his career at an open event on Thursday, November 17 at 5:15 PM in the Katzer Room (347) in Hinds Hall. The talk is open to the entire Syracuse University community.