Have you ever considered how you could use your School of Information Studies (iSchool) degree working in a field that isn’t considered IT?

Syracuse University alumni John Burke ’12 and Kevin Dong ’09 G’11 do just that working at JetBlue.

Kevin began at JetBlue as a corporate security intern. He briefly left the company to work in event planning at Disney but then went back to JetBlue where he switched teams a few times before landing his current position in the hospitality department. He now spends his time working to develop the company’s customer service.

John is a manager who oversees a variety of projects happening in the 100+ JetBlue airports. One of the teams he oversees is in charge of innovation. This means he is constantly in the field testing out new technology, processes, and systems. Like Kevin, he also started at the company as an intern.

The pair will be coming back to campus and speaking on Monday, October 15 at 5:30 p.m. in Hinds Hall Room 347 as part of the iSchool’s HINDSights Alumni Visitor Program.  

They look forward to returning to campus to discuss everything from working at an airline, to leveraging an iSchool degree, to moving to NYC after graduation.

There will be free pizza and wings provided to all who attend. The talk is open to the campus community.