Four seniors from the School of Information Studies (iSchool) will deliver their capstone presentations as part of the Syracuse University Renée Crown Honors Program this week.

The Honors Program, introduced in 1963, provides a compelling educational experience for accomplished students who seek academic challenge. The program reflects the University’s emphasis on enriched intellectual breadth and depth, communicative empowerment, collaborative capacity, global awareness, and civic engagement.

While students complete their academic course of study in their individual schools and colleges at Syracuse, the Honors Program allows for immersion in curricular enrichment and innovative scholarship offered by program seminars, cultural events, and close contact with faculty and other Honors students. 

During the beginning of their junior year, Honors Program participants identify a topic to research, and will spend the rest of that year – and most of their senior year – conducting intensive research, writing, professional and/or creative work on the project, in close consultation with a faculty advisor. This capstone process allows students to discover their research passions and possibly build a foundation for future pursuits.

Representing the iSchool as part of the Honors Program this year are Kathryn Krawczyk, Stephanie Lechman, Yejin Lee, and Natalie Rudakevych.

  • Krawczyk is a dual major in the iSchool and the Newhouse School. She will present her capstone project, Horsey: an online media source for serious high school equestrians, on Wednesday, May 2 at 3:00 p.m. in 114 Hall of Languages
  • Lechman, an Information Management and Technology major at the iSchool, will present her capstone project, A Comprehensive Study that Identifies the Gap in Project Management Education Concerning Fundamental Interpersonal and Cultural Skills on Wednesday, May 2 at 3:30 p.m. in 111 Hall of Languages
  • Lee, a dual major in the iSchool and the Whitman School of Management, will present Blockchain: The Backbone of Supply Chains in Omni-Channels on Wednesday, May 2 at 4:00 p.m. in 111 Hall of Languages
  • Rudakevych is a dual major in the iSchool and the Newhouse School, and will deliver her capstone presentation, Information Wars: A Look at the Role of Social Media in the 2014 Ukrainian Revolution on Wednesday, May 2 at 10:30 a.m. in 114 Hall of Languages

The presentations are open to the campus community, and all are invited to attend.

“The number of iSchool Honors students is on the rise,” notes Deb Nosky, Assistant Professor of Practice at the iSchool and director of the iSchool’s undergraduate program. “Supporting their capstone efforts is very important, and I am thankful to our faculty and staff who have provided guidance and support to these students over the course of their studies.”