The Library and Information Science Student Association (LISSA) at the School of Information Studies (iSchool) is seeking presenters for the fourth annual Day of FiTS, a one-day conference all about “Filling in the Spaces.”

The event allows the iSchool community to come together for a day of exhibitions, presentations, and panels. The out-of-classroom learning experience offers students a chance to explore ideas and topics that are outside of the traditional library science curriculum, and that are be helpful to students as they prepare for their careers after graduate school.

This year’s conference will take place on Saturday, March 3rd, from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM in Hinds Hall.

Organizers are currently soliciting speakers to share their research, interests, hobbies, or passions in a session during the conference.

 “Day of FitS is a wonderful opportunity to explore areas of interest outside of the classroom,” explained Jillian Scarson, a graduate student pursuing her MS degree in Library and Information Science. “Last year Nicole Potter and I presented on the relationship between information literacy and fake news in response to the 2016 election, and we were able to have a fruitful discussion with our audience that sparked a series of subsequent talks, presentations, and workshops with many different communities.”

Presenters can choose to participate by speaking in a Lighting Round Session (10-15 minutes), a 30 Minute Session, a Panel Discussion (30 minutes), a Workshop (30 minutes), or a Poster Presentation.

Proposals are due by Friday, February 16, and can be submitted online. Questions can be directed to LISSA at