A one-day exam study workshop to prepare students for the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) certification exam is planned for Saturday, February 24 at the School of Information Studies (iSchool).

The iSchool is providing this specially-designed one-day preparation session to guide students through the study of PMI sample exam questions so that they can become prepared to take the CAPM certification exam. The course is open to those who are taking, or have already completed, a qualifying formal project management course, such as Syracuse University courses IST445 or IST345; IST645; SCM456; SCM656 (or similar project management courses). The workshop materials assume that all participants will have completed a prerequisite formal course in project management either prior to workshop enrollment or during the current semester.

“The CAPM certification is designed for students and working professionals with either none, or less than three years of, project management experience,” explained Art Thomas, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at the iSchool. “It is recognized by many employers as a sign that you know the fundamental information about managing projects, and that you are serious about a future in project management as a career, and is a step toward the PMP certification, which is designed for professional project managers with three or more years of experience.”

“CAPM is a great way to get started in the field, and many of our students have found it valuable in obtaining employment,” Thomas continued. “This workshop is not required in order to become certified, but students have found that this workshop greatly helped them to prepare for, and pass, the CAPM exam.”

The workshop fee of $125 includes participants’ exam study guide and the fee for the workshop. The workshop syllabus provides all appropriate information concerning related fees and payment options as well as course content and logistics. Students must also join the national PMI in order to attend the workshop. Full-time students can join PMI for $32.

After completing the workshop, students will need to register on their own to take the CAPM Certification Exam at a nearby location through separate procedures, and the exam fee is separately paid at that time. The workshop will provide details on the exam registration process.

To register for the workshop, fill out the online form.