By: J.D. Ross
(315) 443-3094

Two alumni from the School of Information Studies (iSchool) will be returning to campus next Thursday to speak with current students about their experiences in industry.

Omesh Bhujbal G ’02, Deputy General Manager of the IT Services Operations Group at Idea Cellular Ltd. in India will deliver a talk on life after graduation, and offer advice on how graduates can pursue their career goals.

After graduating with his M.S. in Information Management, Bhujbal went on to intern and work at GE Energy. He then returned to his native India where he worked as a management consultant with Fortune 500 companies. In 2006 he joined Idea Cellular.  

Bhujbal will share his experience and offer advice on preparing for careers in consulting and telecom, especially in India.

His talk is scheduled for Thursday, April 16 from 2:00 – 3:00 PM in Hinds Hall 347 (Katzer Room).

Jessica Santana ’13 is founder CEO of Worldwide Boss, a a full-service management consulting firm that works with aspiring entrepreneurs, individual brands, startups, small businesses and non-profits. Santana also co-founded a non-profit, Brooklyn OnTech, whose mission is to inspire the next generation of tech thought leaders emerging from the borough of Brooklyn, New York.

Santana will talk to the BLISTS student group about technology, philanthropy and entrepreneurship.  Her talk will take place on Thursday, April 16 from 8:00 – 9:00 PM in Hinds Hall 011.

Both events are open to all members of the Syracuse University community.