By: J.D. Ross
(315) 443-3094

The Special Libraries Association (SLA) has announced the candidates that will run for the organization’s election for Board of Directors.

Two of the ten candidates have ties to the School of Information Studies (iSchool).

Jim DelRosso is running for the position of president-elect. DelRosso is a 2009 graduate of the iSchool’s MLIS program, and is currently the digital projects coordinator for the Hospitality, Labor, and Management Library at Cornell University.

Elaine Lasda Bergman is running for a director position on the SLA board. She is currently enrolled in the data science CAS program at the iSchool. Bergman  is the social welfare, gerontology, and reference bibliographer at the Dewey Graduate Library at SUNY Albany.

“Having been on the SLA Board of Directors, I am thrilled to see Elaine and Jim as candidates for the Board,” said iSchool assistant professor of practice Jill Hurst-Wahl.  “It is wonderful to see those with iSchool connections give back to the profession in this way.”

Hurst-Wahl notes that both DelRosso and Bergman are active in the Upstate NY Chapter of SLA, as well as in other aspects of the Association and the profession.

Candidates will serve three-year terms on the board if elected. The election will be held electronically in September 2014.

For more information about the SLA elections, visit the SLA website: