By: J.D. Ross
(315) 443-3094

On Friday, February 14, Syracuse University Chancellor Kent Syverud made his first official visit to the School of Information Studies (iSchool). He came to participate in the iSchool's Future Friday event, hosted by the New Explorations in Information and Science (NEXIS) lab, and also received a tour of the school's research centers and classrooms. Below are some pictures of Chancellor Syverud's experience.

Chancellor Kent Syverud plays a video game created by iSchool sophomore Alexander Krapf as his wife, Dr. Ruth Chen, watches.

Chancellor Syverud sits for a 3D scan in the NEXIS lab. NEXIS engineers will use the scan to create a personalized 3D-printed likeness of Syverud. Over 100 students were scanned during the Future Friday event, which showcased emerging technologies as part of iSchool faculty member Anthony Rotolo's class.

Chancellor Syverud tries out a Google Glass device for the first time. iSchool student Bob O'Brien (left), has been working with Google Glass in the NEXIS lab, and demonstrated how he has created applications for the new hardware.

iSchool student Arland Whitfield discusses his two drone aircraft with Chancellor Syverud.

Chancellor Syverud receives a tour of SIDEARM sports, the sports information startup run by iSchool faculty member Jeffrey Rubin. SIDEARM employees and iSchool students discuss the work that the company performs in its Hinds Hall home.

Professor David Molta (center) explains the student research that takes place in the Center for Convergence and Emerging Network Technologies (CCENT). At CCENT, students have the chance to work on real-world networking issues for enterprise environments. 

Chancellor Syverud and Dr. Ruth Chen talk via Skype with Dr. Ruth Small, who leads the Center for Digital Literacy at the iSchool.

Chancellor Syverud meets with graduate and undergraduate students in a Telecommunications and Network Management class.

Graduate student Anne Marie Suchanek talks with Chancellor Syverud and Dr. Chen about her role as a teaching assistant in the IST 195 course.