By: J.D. Ross
(315) 443-3094

Kelly Lux, Director of Social Media at the School of Information Studies (iSchool) will be hosting social media checkup sessions for students at her office in Hinds Hall.

Designed to help students sharpen their social media presences for potential employers, Lux will evaluate online accounts, and make recommendations for changes and improvements that students can make.

During the upcoming spring semester career events, many students will be meeting with recruiters and hiring managers when they visit campus for the various career fairs.

“When students are looking for a job, recruiters are using LinkedIn to find and connect with people,” Lux said. “From a business standpoint, pretty much anyone that you reach out to and try to network with is going to look you up on LinkedIn right away.”

Having mature, appropriate content and interactions on social media profiles is key, noted Lux, who will encourage students to evaluate what they post online, and how it can be viewed while they are conducting a job search.

Lux will hold open office hours from 2-4 PM on Mondays and 1-3 PM on Thursdays in her office, 114G Hinds Hall. The sessions will run until Spring Break. Depending on the level of interest, Lux may also hold sessions again during the fall semester. The sessions are open to any student at Syracuse University.