By: Hailey Temple

Kelly Lux, Director of Social Media at the School of Information Studies (iSchool), will be a keynote speaker and participant at the CenterState Corporation for Economic Opportunity’s Social Media Boot Camp.

The sold-out event will feature 30-minute sessions for its 60 attendees to improve their knowledge and skills using social media, specifically with emerging social media networks and tools. Sessions will focus on helping organizations and individuals increase brand awareness and visibility using popular social media networks, such as Facebook and Twitter.

Lux will specifically focus on using emerging social media networks, such as Vine, Instagram, SnapChat, Foursquare, Google+ and RebelMouse. By explaining the purpose and benefits of these social media tools, Lux hopes to further educate individuals and local organizations about the power of social media for a business.

“I hope that attendees will begin to widen their horizons within social media and really be picky about the platforms they are using,” explained Lux. ” It's so important to use the tools that best fit your organizations goals, and your community.”

This seminar series will provide local businesses with the opportunities to create effective social media campaigns that help meet their business goals and strengthen relationships with the community.

Lux understands the importance of these social media aspects and is looking forward to sharing her knowledge with the Syracuse professional community to create effective campaigns. “Being successful in social media is not about follower counts or number of likes on your Facebook page. Your goals in social need to align with the overall goals of your organization, and the results need to be measured and analyzed in a meaningful way to inform your path,” said Lux.

Social Media Boot Camp will be held May 30 from 8:00am to 10:30pm at The Tech Garden in Syracuse, NY. Registration is no longer open for the event. To follow the event throughout the day, follow the hashtag #CenterStateSMBC on Twitter.