By: Diane Stirling
(315) 443-8975

The Enterprise Cloud Leadership Council (ECLC) Board, with the Syracuse University Wireless Grid Lab (WiGiT) as a member, has had its submission approved by the TM Forum for presentation at the Management World Americas conference, slated for Orlando this December.

The ECLC Board plans to demonstrate how its Catalyst product can improve security through automatic access, mediated through a cloud management platform that sits between the device and the enterprise, according to Edward Nanno, executive director of WiGiT.  Assistant Professor Lee McKnight is the principal investigator and a director for WiGiT.

Along with WiGiT, partners in the Catalyst project include the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, UBS, Pearson PLC, Cisco, EMC, Virtual Clarity, ServiceMesh, and Carnegie Mellon’s Silicon Valley wireless group, the ECLC reported. Vendors who are participating include Microsoft, Cisco, EMC and Huawei. Participating service providers include Telecom Italia, Orange, and Portugal Telecom.

WiGiT is one of two academic members of the Enterprise Cloud Leadership Council (ECLC) along with Carnegie Mellon University. WiGiT is developing open specifications for wireless grids, which can also be thought of as secure connections to the cloud out to ‘edge’ devices, according to Nanno. The edge-to-cloud architecture incorporates big data analytic services such as capture/execution (in the financial markets) and analysis/visualization (in the healthcare/pharma industries), he said.

The TM Forum is a global, non-profit industry association focused on enabling service provider agility and innovation. TM Forum’s prestigious Management World conferences are known as the meeting place of the industry, its website notes.  Held annually across the globe, the conferences attract more than 5,000 delegates per year to discuss and debate pressing issues facing the industry.

This week, TM Forum is hosting Action Week in Baltimore, where the ECLC Catalyst team members were to meet regarding Catalyst project demonstration plans at the Management World Americas conference. The ECLC Board, which defines the next generation of technology delivery, recently sponsored the Cloud Expo/Big Data Expo in New York City.