By: J.D. Ross
(315) 443-3094

Infection/Extinction, a board game created by a team of students that includes School of Information Studies (iSchool) senior Joe Gennaro has been featured as the Game of the Week on the Global Game Jam website.

Global Game Jam takes place annually in late January, and brings together thousands of game enthusiasts who participate in local jams around the world. The iSchool and Syracuse University’s School of Education sponsored a Game Jam in January 2011 where Gennaro and three other students developed their game.

The game features different creatures that interact by the rules of the prisoner’s dilemma to avoid extinction. In addition to Gennaro, the team included Hansol Kim and Christina Morrissey from Syracuse University’s School of Visual and Performing Arts, and David Horacek from SUNY Oswego.

More information about the game, including a game sheet to download and play is available on the Global Game Jam website.