Jian Qin, Associate Professor at the Syracuse University School of Information Studies and Principal Investigator of the Syracuse University eScience Fellows Program will be the featured presenter at the 2011 Professional Development Day for New England Librarians. Qin will present on Scientific Data Management during the day-long workshop Wednesday, March 16, 2011, at the Hoagland Pincus Conference Center in the University of Massachusetts Medical School..

“The National Science Foundation, and other major funding bodies are requiring grant applications to submit data management plans with their proposals,” Qin said. “Librarians are in a strategic position to help researcher meeting these requirements.”

The day long workshop will provide an overview of eScience and its implcations for research, background on the life cycle of data, and how librarians can insert themselves into the process of managing, preserving and making research data findable and accessible. The day will consist of lecture and hands-on, practical application through case studies. Her lecture will begin at 9:30 a.m., ending at 3:00 p.m.

Qin researches and teaches in the areas of knowledge organization, information organization, and information technology applications in managing knowledge and information. She has received a grant from IMLS to devleop an eScience librarianship curriculum and from NSF for the science data literacy project. Her recent research projects include a query log analysis of the Gateway to Educational Materials (GEM), learning object vocabulary, and the Open Knowledge Exchange (OKE) ontology in the workforce domain. She was a visiting scholar at the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC), where she developed the learning object vocabulary project.

Qin has published widely in national and international research journals. She was the co-editor for several special journal issues on knowledge discovery in databases and knowledge representation and holds a Ph.D. from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, an MLIS from University of Western Ontario, and a BA from Wuhan University, China.