Ever played Tetris on your iPhone? Or listened to Pandora radio on your Android? Or checked your Facebook account from your Blackberry? Or used amazon.com to write or read a review of a product? Well, then you might be interested in hearing about what some Syracuse iSchool students have learned and created in two courses this fall.

The Syracuse University community is invited to watch the final presentations of students enrolled in IST 400/600 Mobile Application Development and in IST 400/600 Social Web Technologies courses. The social web technologies presentations begin at 3:30 p.m., followed by the mobile application students at 4:30 p.m., and concluding with a catered reception. The event will be held in 011 Hinds Hall.

The Social Web Technologies course is taught by Ph.D. student and adjunct professor Keisuke Inoue. The course teaches students about the technologies behind such social web sites as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Netflix, Blogger, and amazon.com. Students studied how to implement systems that facilitate communication and enhance information access. They’ll be introducing their own social web systems, including:

Here are the quick descriptions of the current projects:

  • sharethefare.syr.edu—which allows users to share the road trip information among the students and save gas and money
  • bookrex.syr.edu—a book recommendation service based on the real recommendations of people, not algorithms
  • nightlife.syr.edu—enables students to share information about house parties with other students
  • openquad.com—a platform for sororities and fraternities to share information
  • collabart.syr.edu—a system that enables artists to share art work and collaborate with public

The Mobile Application Development course is taught by Assistant Professor Carlos Caicedo, who is also director of the Center for Convergence and Emerging Networking Technologies. Those students will be demonstrating mobile applications that they created for four organizations based on the requirements defined by the organizations.

“The students will present the process they followed to develop the application, the structure of the application, and a demonstration of how each application works,” Caicedo said.

For more information, contact Carlos Caicedo at ccaicedo@syr.edu or 315-443-1363.