The Syracuse University School of Information Studies hosted its 2010 Homecoming Alumni Panel on October 15 for a standing-room only crowd in 111 Hinds Hall. A reception followed in the ground floor social lounge. The event was part of the four-day long, campus-wide Orange Central homecoming celebration.

“We are fortunate to have so many enthusiastic and successful alumni who want to return to campus and share their experience with current students,” said Barbara Settel, director of alumni relations and annual giving. “The panel is an ideal opportunity for students to make personal connections with alumni who can definitely give them an edge in landing a job after graduation.”

This year’s panel featured students from a range of iSchool programs:

  • Siddhartha Paliwal MS ’07, Senior Data Analyst, Fidelity Investments, Boston, Mass.
  • Greg Macgowan MLS ’95, Knowledge Base Librarian, McKesson Health Solutions, Newton, Mass.
  • Vernetta Marquis MS ’05, Information Technology Analyst, U.S. Government Accountability Office, Washington, D.C.
  • Bence Oliver BS ’95, Director of Operations, eBay Inc., San Jose, Calif.
  • Kisha Turpin BS ’97, Consulting Service Manager, SAI Global, Brooklyn, N.Y.

The panelists gave a quick overview of what their current role is and how they got there, and also shared what they believe constitutes a good leader. For example, Mcgowan said that he’s built a very diverse career around “leading change” within an organization. He emphasized that leaders are often the people who communicate and collaborate effectively.

Current students asked a range of questions during the panel and then had the chance to mingle informally during a reception afterward. The students all received the panelists contact information so that they connect with them again in the future for advice or networking suggestions.