Anthony Rotolo ’02, G’06, social media strategist and assistant professor of practice at the Syracuse School of Information Studies (iSchool), was quoted in a May 14, 2010, New York Times column Digital Domain “World’s Largest Social Network: The Open Web” about the effect of the expansion of Facebook on the Internet.

Facebook, the most populated social network, promises to give “people the power to share and make the world more open and connected,” though it is still a closed network with many of its pages invisible to search engine crawlers. Yet, as Rotolo pointed out, the trend in social media is for people to trust information from friends rather than search engines because the interaction on Facebook is person-to-person.

Digital Domain is a New York Times column exploring trends in the business and technology environment by Randall Stross, author and professor of business at San Jose State University.

Rotolo teaches graduate and undergraduate courses on social media at the Syracuse iSchool, where he earned a B.S. in Information Management and Technology and an M.S. in Information Management. In 2009, he was also appointed the first-ever social media strategist for the iSchool. In this position, Rotolo is working to expand the iSchool’s leadership in social media as an area of study and as a way to enhance traditional instruction.