Four Syracuse University School of Information Studies students in the M.S. in telecommunications and network management program will be attending Interop 2010 in Las Vegas, thanks to the generosity of United Business Media (UBM), publisher of Network Computing Magazine and owner of the Interop, the largest networking convention and trade show. Each of the four students will receive a conference pass, valued at $2,095, and the iSchool will contribute funding for the airfare and three nights of hotel accommodations for the students selected to attend.

The students selected are Jay Bhansali, Ashutosh Bhatt, Benson Matthews, and Paridhi Nadarajan.

“This is a tremendous opportunity for our students to network and learn about the industry,” said iSchool Associate Professor Martha Garcia-Murillo, the director of the telecommunications and network management program. “We are grateful for the significant donation by UBM to support student learning and success. This conference provides great exposure to the latest developments and challenges our students will encounter in their professional careers.”

Interop, a premier business technology networking conference being held April 27 through 29, will highlight key technologies that reduce business cost, increase productivity, and help companies flourish, such as, cloud computing, green information technology, and mobile businesses.

The conference has attracted hundreds of exhibitors, including, IBM, VMware, and Microsoft, to display their latest business technology products and services. Full-day workshops such as CIO Boot Camp, Enterprise Cloud Summit, and Desktop Virtualization Day, will also be available for interested participants.

Students interested in attending the conference submitted a one-page proposal to Garcia-Murillo and Assistant Dean for Technology Dave Molta that detailed how the students would spend their time at the event and how the experience would advance their professional and educational goals.

“The winners did a good job of clearly articulating their objectives, balancing the benefits they would realize personally with the benefits the iSchool would realize by sending them as ambassadors of our program,” Garcia-Murillo said. “Work is already under way to try to secure passes for the Fall Interop conference in New York City. We hope to make this an annual event.”

The students will also be required to communicate about their experience through blog posts, Tweets, videos, photos, or other related social media channels.
Their communications will be posted on the iSchool social media outlets as well as those affiliated with Network Computing Magazine. “That’s a great added opportunity for our students,” Molta said.

The students will also give a public presentation about the experience when they return at a date yet to be determined.

UBM is an information technology based advertisement company that aims to enhance technology markets. UBM provides tools and services for all forms of media including print, online and events that stretch beyond traditional advertising.