Library Science Internship in Costa Rica at the Monteverde Institute: A Multi-faceted Learning Opportunity

Hosted by Laurie Kutner G’98 and Adrienne Canino G’18

March 2018

Ever wonder what kinds of internships and opportunities are out there for LIS students?

In this presentation, LIS program alumna Laurie Kutner G’98 will discuss her work with Monteverde Institute’s Library, reaching back over 10 years.  Her work has included examining disparities in information access on a global scale, building digital collections, and providing research-based materials generated there.

Laurie will discuss her experience developing library student internships to address digital collection needs at Monteverde, her research working with students studying abroad there, and considering the future of information disparities in a global information environment.

Adrienne, currently a 2nd year iSchool student in the LIS program will discuss how she identified and designed a internship project from previous iSchool experiences, but also made it unique to her own career pursuits.  Her experience in Monteverde led to a deepening of her understanding of information access challenges, the research library, and the role of digital libraries in the 21st century.

Adrienne will discuss the internship process, how this contributed to her focus in librarian scholarship, and reflect on how the position was a unique experience for her iSchool career.