1. Resumes are important
Many students don’t even know where to begin when creating a resume, or realize how important a resume really is. It can be very difficult to look at a blank computer screen and literally have no idea how to make your resume come together. The iSchool’s Career Services office will help you self-evaluate and discover your accomplishments, relevant experiences, and skills and show you how to format that into an impressive resume.

2. Professional opinion
Most students have a friend, roommate, or parent that is good at proofreading essays and assignments. As helpful as those people might be at finding typos in your resume, for an overall critique having a professional opinion is valuable. The main focus of the iSchool’s Career Services is to prepare you for the work force and all the steps leading up to it – it’s our specialty! We might know some tips and tricks that people not in the field wouldn’t know.

3. Fresh set of eyes
No matter what, for any writing assignment or project, it is always good to get a fresh perspective from someone who hasn’t seen it yet. It is hard to catch your own mistakes when writing because you know what you are trying to convey, and this can happen in resumes as well. Bringing in your resume to the iSchool’s Career Services office will help you find errors with spelling and grammar, formatting issues, and probems with the overall look of your resume that you might have overlooked in your own editing.

4. Industry related advice
Students will often prepare a great resume that is too general and not industry specific, because they don’t know how to relate their experiences to a certain job or industry. Career Services in the iSchool knows all the ins and outs of the information management and technology industries. We can help tailor your resume to be more industry friendly and give you advice on what professionals are looking for right now when reviewing resumes.

5. We want to help you!
Career Services in the iSchool wants students to succeed. Our focus is to provide any student that walks through our doors with the help they need. We want you to feel prepared when applying for internships, jobs, or to just have a resume available on hand. Often, the first step is just scheduling an appointment or stopping in during drop in hours to get started. We’re located in the Student Services Suite (114) on the first floor of Hinds Hall.