In the summertime, moms and dads seem to constantly remind us, “Don’t forget your sunscreen!” Slightly annoyed, most kids ignore their parents, only to regret their rebellious decision once they get a bad sunburn. Now technology is taking over as Netatmo, from France, has introduced June, a wearable device that tells you throughout the day when to put on more sunblock.

Wired recently released a review of June, the beauty and health product that will be soon available to the general public. Here’s a recap.

Who: Netatmo

What: “June” – a wearable device built to measure UV ray exposure throughout the day, providing real-time advice on how to protect yourself from the sun.

When: June 21, 2014

Price: To Be Determined

June, Netatmo

June, Netatmo

Nowadays, there seems to be a wearable device for almost all instances. June primarily targets women who are concerned of the effects harmful UV rays can have on skin. With too much exposure to UV rays, anybody can become a victim to sunburn, premature wrinkles, brown spots, or even skin cancer.  By simply applying sun block regularly throughout the day and monitoring sun exposure, skin health can be easily maintained. The problem is, we all often forget to bring a hat and put on the dreaded sun block. Paired with an iOS app, June acts as the “computer mom” by nagging the user to remember sun protection on days when it is necessary.

The app uniquely provides a daily UV index set to a location. From a scale of 0 to 15, this index measures the estimated risk of UV radiation exposure. With the local UV index, June tells you how much protection you need, potentially encouraging a hat, sunglasses, or a specific SPF sunblock. By answering a six-question questionnaire in the initial setup process, June is also designed to be uniquely customized to the user to accommodate for varying skin types and physical traits, such as hair and eye color.

June, Netatmo

June, Netatmo

June comes in three different colors (platinum, gold, and gunmetal), with both a leather and a silicon band to use to wear it. The device can also be worn as a pin or a brooch, as users are wary of accidentally hitting the device or receiving odd tan lines. A simple design with a single purpose, June gets the job done. It notifies and encourages users to be more careful of UV ray protection, exactly what it aims to do.

For those individuals with fair skin or for those who are greatly concerned about burning their skin, June may be the perfect device.

What about the other individuals who don’t mind getting a nice tan glow? It is likely that a future wearable device will cater to another type of need. Current wearable companies seem to be targeting and delivering to a specified audience and their specific needs. It’s a direct and simple approach that seems to fulfill the pre-order sale goals and get the product out there.

Here’s the company’s video introducing the product:


What do you think of June? Leave your comments below!