Editor’s Note: The Social Media RoundUp is a weekly feature of Information Space.

image by blogs.kqed.org

image by blogs.kqed.org

Facebook made big tech news recently when they purchased WhatsApp. They paid $19 billion for the international texting application, and many are wondering if this investment was worth the big bucks. It is reported to be the second-largest acquisition in recent tech history. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, tried to tell users to remain calm as he reported that WhatsApp will continue to operate independently. Read iSchool Professor Anthony Rotolo’s opinion piece on why Facebook made this investment and see what you think.

Shortly after the acquisition, WhatsApp made news again as they were experiencing an outage for around 210 minutes on Saturday.

How can you snag a front row seat to London Fashion Week? Through Instagram of course.  As the lights go down, the phones go up. This application gives us a glimpse inside the otherwise closed, yet stylish doors. Cara Delevingne blended technology with the runway, as she walked the runway for Giles Deacon. She took in action selfies, which she later posted to her personal accounts.

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The people asked, and LinkedIn answered. LinkedIn has at last added a long-requested feature with the introduction of member blocking. This allows you, just like on most other social networks, to restrict access to information from other logged-in members that you do not want to associate with. LinkedIn has also introduced a slew of other privacy tools including new visibility options. Once you block a user, you won’t be able to access each other’s profiles, send messages, and will be officially disconnected.

Will you be using LinkedIn’s new blocking feature? Let me know in the comments below!