Usually when we hear about technology we think of materialistic objects such as tablets, computers, or cars. But lately, technology has been expanding its reach to more abstract concepts. Crypto currencies were one of these concepts that caught a lot of the buzz, but very recently, technology has gotten even more abstract producing a political party. Yes you heard correctly, technology has been the basis behind the formation of a political party launching in New Zealand called the Internet Party.

The Internet Party

According to CNN, on January 16, Kim Dotcom, founder of the file sharing website Megaupload, announced via Twitter the start of the Internet Party. The main goal of the Internet party will be to fight government spying and promote for better Internet access.

Technology has innovated the world in many ways, but rarely has it done so through philosophical thought. However, with all of the controversy surrounding the NSA’s spying program, it is hard to act surprised seeing technology become one of the foremost ideas in upcoming elections.

While new and energetic, Dotcom and the Internet Party of New Zealand will need to receive 5% of the overall vote or win a constituency to be sworn into parliament, according to TorrentFreak.

And for this to happen, they have a lot of mystery to unmask if they want to be perceived as honest and transparent to voters. They need to address where they fall on the political spectrum, explaining more than just their main focus regarding the Internet and technology.

Furthermore, they will need to address affiliation. The Internet Party in New Zealand is not the first Internet Party. Other political parties using the “Internet Party” name also exist in Spain and Ukraine. Voters will be interested in knowing if there is a certain connection with these other parties.

Kim Dotcom

The man who founded the Internet Party is certainly far from boring. In fact, similar to people like Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, the US Government is not a huge fan of his work.

As mentioned above, Dotcom’s creation, Megaupload, a file sharing website also known as a paradise for digital pirates, was shutdown in 2012 by the US Government.

After the shutdown, the police raided Dotcom’s house and his assets were frozen, according to CNN. Although he has managed to avoid prison, he has been facing legal battles since 2012.

Also interestingly enough, even though Dotcom is considered the leader of the Internet Party, he is not a citizen of New Zealand and therefore ineligible to run questioning whom the Internet Party’s candidate will actually be.

Dotcom’s quest and the Internet Party may be new and untraditional, but it will not be the last political party to run on the basis of technology and how it should be used.

Do you think the idea of an Internet Party will spread beyond New Zealand? Share your thoughts in the comments.