Editor’s Note: The Social Media RoundUp is a weekly feature of Information Space.

We always hear everything is going digital, but even more than that everything is going mobile. Pinterest is at the forefront of this trend, as more than 75% of Pinterest usage takes places on phones and tablets. Because of this popularity, Pinterest recently updated their mobile website to be able to handle the large amount of traffic. This way, if you don’t have the official iOS or Android app, you can still access the site in a fast and convenient way.

Facebook logo: A look back

Facebook decided to celebrate their 10 year anniversary last Tuesday in a way that included all of their hundreds of millions of users. On this day, the social site allowed their users to unlock an individualized “Look Back” videos that acted as a highlight-reel of a user’s Facebook lifespan. The 62-second clip notes the year you joined Facebook, then shows a handful of your most-liked posts and a seemingly random selection of your photos — all set to instrumental music. Facebook also helped a Dad who recently lost his son, by granting him a personalized Look Back video.

The winter Olympics are a complicated process, so there are bound to be problems. This year, social media decided to capitalize on those problems and call them @SochiProblems. This twitter account is filled with complaints about hotels and Olympic venues in Russia. It’s ironic that theTwitter feed called @SochiProblems has more followers than the official @sochi2014 account.

image from mashable.com

image from mashable.com

No cash? No Problem! The new Marc Jacobs pop-up shop is accepting tweets, Instagram photos and Facebook posts as new forms of currency. By snapping photos and posting messages with the hashtag #MJDaisyChain, visitors are awarded with Marc Jacobs-branded gifts when exiting the store. This is a new, interesting way to do business, and it has created a lot of buzz among the online fashion community. Marc Jacobs also already has a large, loyal following, so maybe this is his way of giving back to his loving community.

Are you going to get in line to trade tweets for bags? Let me know in the comments below!