Editor’s Note: The Social Media Roundup is a weekly feature of Information Space.  

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Porsche 911, the company wanted to do something really special.

Image via luxurydaily.com

Coincidentally, the company is also celebrating  reaching 5 million fans on its Facebook page. Merging these events, Porsche launched the 5 Million Car campaign. The project offered its social media community the opportunity to vote on design options for a one-off crowdsourced car. (via Dezeen.com)


An information system expert calling himself “Khalil” found an interesting way to report a new bug he found in Facebook. What he discovered was a critical vulnerability [that] allows anyone to post on someone’s wall. In order to prove his point, Kahlil posted a bug report on Mark Zuckerberg’s wall. See what the post said and read the full article on rt.com.


Fred Nerby, a designer and art director based in Melbourne, Australia, has a habit of crafting large, redesign proposals for social media platforms. Recently, he has created one of these plans for a social platform we all know and love: Twitter.

[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/71187136 w=400&h=300]

Check out the full interview with Fred on Forbes.com


General Electric is hosting the the world’s first science fair exclusively on the iPhone App Vine, and the company is calling it #6SecondScience Fair. This new event will create and curate user-generated Vines showing the miracles of science, and will bring in Vine “celebrities” like Rudy Mancuso, Jordan Burt and Jethro Ames to help create buzz about the event. All Vines from the “science fair” will be curated on a special Tumblr page.

One More For Good Luck!

Image via Facebook.com

Singer Taio Cruz has recently decided to take a break from singing songs about breaking hearts, to introduce KeWe, a new social app. KeWe combines social with messaging but without forcing the user to do either. You can download the app now, but its features won’t be up for everyone until August 22. To find out more about this app, check out the video introduction here.

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