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If someone took a look at your resumè, would they really know who you are? How about in a thirty minute interview? Even if it started off with the classic “Tell me a little about yourself” line, you’re still not much more than a stranger.  Today, people tend to scatter a lot more of their personality, experiences and skills around the internet than they can express in conversation. Compiling all of the digital breadcrumbs that define someone is what the fresh-out-of-beta service Vizify is striving to accomplish. Not only do they do a good job of painting pictures of their users, they also manage to make the whole thing into a beautiful work of art.

viz overview

I’ve been using Vizify for a while now and at first I just thought of it as a mash up of LinkedIn and However, after building a profile and pulling in all of my data, I realized how unique it actually is.  Simply put, Vizify is you in a nutshell. As Reddit is the “front page of the internet,” Vizify acts as your personal, internet profile page. It’s not complicated for you to create, nor is it difficult for others to understand.  The service allows you to connect some of the popular social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Foursquare, Instagram). It then pulls all of the top information about you into one big, page-by-page infographic that reads more like a comic book than a biography. It updates as you update, creating a living document that doesn’t require much upkeep.

viz interface

Overall, there are eleven different types of pages that can be added to your profile. They include everything from quotes and photos, to the words you use most on twitter and the types of places you frequent on foursquare. You also have plenty of design options available. The background image on your front page is fully customizable as well as the entire color scheme. Using the interface is quick, easy and provides for the creation of a uniquely personal page. In addition to the data that Vizify pulls from your pages, you can also create new content. It allows you to generate factoids and add captions to photos that really show what you’re about.

The newest addition to Vizify is a page called “Vizcards”. A vizcard is a micro-infographic that shows off an interesting tidbit about yourself. They can be humorous, interesting or both, but always give insight on who you are and how you think. They can be shared with your friends through traditional social media platforms, and every one that you make is compiled onto a dedicated page within your Vizify profile.


I would recommend that everyone try out Vizify (I personally use it in place of a bio on LinkedIn). More and more, lines are being blurred and you can really only have one identity on the internet. Instead of pretending that you don’t have a social presence, being transparent and forthcoming about what you do online is beneficial. Since it’s highly customizable and built for SEO, Vizify gives you the ability to present yourself how you want to be seen. As a practical application, it sort of bridges the gap between the public and private areas of social media. You probably wouldn’t want to friend a job recruiter on Facebook. Instead, having them check you out on Vizify lets them see an accurate representation of you that isn’t lost in a sea of interactions.

Have you checked out Vizify or similar services? Share your experience in the comments below.