Today is a very special day.

TODAY, March 8th, is International Women’s Day! Annually across the globe, IWD is recognized as a growing women’s movement, building support for women’s participation across every political, economical, and social realm. It’s a time to reflect on women’s past struggles and triumphs, take stock of the work that remains to be done, celebrate achievements, and – most importantly – challenge ourselves to take action and advocate for change where it’s due.

Ready, Set…

You may have heard that the iSchool has committed to make positive change for women as a member of the 2013-2015 National Center for Women in Information Technology (NCWIT) Pacesetters cohort, a community of universities, corporations, and organizations dedicated to increasing women’s meaningful participation in IT in a quantifiable way.

As we kick off our Pacesetters program, IWD offers the perfect opportunity to gain and spread awareness for the current state of Women in IT, affirm our commitment to this cause, and get a conversation going, don’t you think?


Join the dialogue on Twitter via the official International #womensday hashtag. As you jump in, consider these ideas for celebrating @iSchoolSU style:

  1. Know the facts. NCWIT offers amazing resources, like this By the Numbers Fact Sheet. Peruse them, find something that fires you up, and be sure to share what you’ve learned.
  1. Watch and share our Chancellor, Nancy Cantor, speaking out from the Sit With Me campaign chair on the importance of Syracuse University acting as an entry point and springboard for women in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) disciplines. Keep your eye on this page to find out where the Syracuse Sit With Me chair will be next and how you, too, can “sit to take a stand” for women in technology. Note: There are no spring dates up yet, but there will be soon!
  1. Spread the word about our signature @iSchoolSU event for junior and senior high school women, The It Girls Overnight Retreat, designed to engage, inspire, and celebrate young women and their potential in IT! Consider making a donation ($150 will sponsor an It Girl!) or encourage an outstanding young woman you know to attend this fall. Are you already an iSchool It Girl interested in helping with the event? Tell me and I’ll sign you right up! Mentors make the difference.
  1. Acknowledge extraordinary, inspiring work. Take a moment to recognize a woman who has made a significant mark here at the iSchool, on campus, in the community, or in the world for IT. She could be a student, professor, colleague, mentor, alumna, friend… or someone clear across the globe who you know only through the Internet. Tell her (and maybe the whole World Wide Web) why she’s awesome!
  1. If YOU are a Woman in IT, shout it from the rooftops! Share why you love what you’re studying and doing for the world through IT. Share your goals and ambitions. Acknowledge them, celebrate them, and – most importantly – chase them like crazy. Take this adorable little girl’s lead and remember, you “can do anything good!”

It’s a special day, indeed.