Editor’s note: This morning, we’re unveiling a new weekly feature that we think you’ll enjoy: the Monday Roundup. In an effort to make Information Space your go-to resource for all technology news and insights, we’ve compiled a list of the top stories we think you should know about. Take a look, let us know if there’s anything we missed, and feel free start a discussion in the comments. With that, here’s the roundup.

Foxconn, manufacturer of iPhone, iPad, and iPod closed a plant in Northern China yesterday after a violent conflict broke out, involving approximately 2,000 workers and 5,000 police.

Marissa Mayer, Yahoo’s new CEO, will hold an all-hands meeting on Tuesday, during which she’ll outline her strategy for moving the company forward, as well as usher in a new era of transparency at the corporate level.

Iran is introducing a domestic Internet system and is blocking Google search and email services. The system will reportedly be fully implemented by next March.

Apple has heard your complaints about the Maps app, and is recruiting former Google Maps employees to help them modify the app.

A group of Muslim cyber-attackers have targeted major American banks, including Bank of America and J.P. Morgan Chase, as well as the New York Stock Exchange, in response to the controversial trailer for the film “Innocence of Muslims.”

A new proposed Congressional bill, the Internet Radio Fairness Act, would allow federal judges to determine royalty rates based on evidence regarding the value of the music and the impact of the rates on the industry as a whole.