If you haven’t taken the time to check out Pinterest, you really should. 

Pinterest has a reputation for being the site where women spend hours pinning pictures of their dream weddings, but if that’s not your niche I would like to hypothesize that using Pinterest can lead to a healthier life.

Your Digital Cookbook

Healthy recipes on Pinterest

Pinterest is heaven for all the foodies on the web. There are tons of mouth watering pictures of healthy meals right at your fingertips, so it makes looking for recipes a very visual process. No reason to fall back on the same old recipes that quickly become boring, Pinterest makes it easy to step out of the box and try something new because these pictures lead to easy instructions to recreate what you see in the picture. It is said that we eat with our eyes as well as our taste buds and tummies, so when healthy fare is visually appealing, it can help you get excited about eating well and staying on track.

The Cheapest Gym Membership You Could Ask For

Don’t tell me you don’t have the money to join a gym this year because that excuse doesn’t work anymore. There are boards that offer free workouts that can be done right in your living room. Everything ranging from a 30 minute workout, to a little more creative Harry Potter gym session will get you moving without leaving your house. Replace a personal trainer with step by step instructions available in many little pins.

One that is very inspiring is the Couch to 5K workout plan.

Couch to 5K banner

This 10 week plan gives workouts for every day and strategically places days to relax in-between. This reaches out to the normal person and makes a very large goal seems obtainable by starting off slow and growing in intensity every day. It is crazy what you can accomplish with the right tools and a little Pinspiration.

Need a little Pinspiration?

Screenshot of fitness-related pins on Pinterest

Quotes, and Videos, and Magazine clips OH MY.

Pinterest provides endless boards of inspiration that can act as that “kick” you need to get off the couch, and start working out. If you feel down from a rough day and make excuses about why you don’t want to work out, Pinterest can provide a little extra motivation with just the click of a button. The phrase “A picture’s worth a thousand words” is taken to the next level here because every picture can act as an instant pick me up, or give you the motivation to trade in your bad habits for a healthier lifestyle.

If you know the tools are accesible, but still need a little motivation, go right back to Pinterest to create some. Make a pin board to act as your “wish list” so that you can reward yourself after completing a goal, or use it to remodel your ideal body image. But remember to resist the urge to ‘pin’ images of models with airbrushed, unattainable bodies and instead choose images that are realistic and healthy.“ 

Pinning Isn’t Everything

Someecards illustration

But you have to be proactive about changing your lifestyle.

Have you used Pinterest to achieve fitness goals or eat healthier?  Do you think this is a viable option?  Share your thoughts in the comments below.