Today, I’m sharing my resource list with you.  The sites below are communities we lean on to do our jobs at Rounded. If you’ve done reading about startups before, you’ll likely recognize many of these if not all.  The goal, however, was not to give you a bunch of obscurities. The goal was to answer the question: Where do I go for great answers to good questions?

DESIGN – a closed designer community.  Go here for inspiration and if you’re good enough to join up. – is somehow a website name?  Go for the tutorials, newest design standards and CSS tricks.

smashing magazine – design at a more abstract level.  This is the 50,000 ft understanding.  He’s very, very good.

Frank Chimero


MENTORSHIP & ESSAYS – this is unlike any RSS feed you subscribe to.  Go to read, not browse.  He’s a good essayist and an opinionated guru.

Paul Graham – this is a series of talks given by a wide range of designers and companies.  It’s a great way to start a Friday.

Creative Mornings


NEWEST TECHNOLOGY – if you’re not here on a daily basis, you will miss something in technology.  It’s an incredible community.  Poke around, there’s something for everyone.

Hacker News


PROGRAMMING – I posted my first question a while back.  In less than 48 hours they answered it and cleaned my code.  I’m still in shock.

Stack Overflow – JavaScript is changing the internet.  If you’re interested in being a part of that change, make sure you know the basics.  This  is a get-your-hands-dirty-in-the-first-5-minutes website.


We’ve got a slew of other resources but I didn’t want to go overboard.  Let me know in the comments if you find these resources useful, or share your personal favorites.