I read an article the other day about the Boston Bruins. Turns out they have a program called “Reading Rinks” where a bunch of cheerleaders and their mascot go around to libraries “to improve children’s literacy in Massachusetts.” I thought, well this is kinda cool. They deliver these rinks right to the libraries by dropping off  “a Bruins rug, Bruins-themed hockey furniture, bookcases made from hockey sticks and a kid-sized Bruins rocking chair.” Presumably there’s a big party, which is nice. And I mean it’s hockey so, like, it’s automatically super awesome!

I was getting all ready to do my usual over-the-top-and-extremely-annoying-shouting-about-things-I-love thing, but this tale’s got nothin’ on what I found later the same day. It’s a story about a girl named Amiya. She’s in 6th grade. SHE. BLOWS. ME. AWAY. She’s the president and CEO of the most awesome dance studio ever created:


It’s a dancemobile! Like a bookmobile, but with mirrors! And music! And a wood floor! Did I mention she’s A SIXTH GRADER?! Like,  ELEVEN YEARS OLD?! I don’t think she’s the bus driver, though. That would be illegal. But she’s already an entrepreneur! She runs her own business! She’s a girl with a dream and an amazing mom and lots and lots and lots of chutzpah! She’s my hero……..But I’m not going to babble on anymore, because you can see the video right here: