I’m excited to announce my team and I just officially launched BrandYourself.com, a free do-it-yourself product that empowers anyone to improve their online reputation.

The rise of social networks and social media can be overwhelming. Where to start? What to do? How does your activity on all these networks affect how you’re perceived online?

To answer these questions, we created a simple four-step process coupled with automated tools to help you maximize your personal branding efforts online. You’ll proactively:

  1. Build on-brand content that aligns with your career goals
  2. Optimize that content to show up at the top of Google
  3. Promote yourself in the right places using social media
  4. Monitor your progress along the way


You start in the build section. This is where we help you build the content you want people to associate with your name. We help you pinpoint your core strengths, write content around those strengths and build them into your online presence using our website builder and LinkedIn/Twitter/Facebook profile analyzers.

Example Tool: Google Results Organizer

An example tool within the Build section is the Google results organizer, which helps you understand how your results currently represent your brand. You’ll click and drag items that are and aren’t about you into columns, identifying which you will optimize to show up higher in results, and which you will bury.


Now that you’ve discovered how you’re perceived, built your website and strengthened your LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook profiles, you will raise them to the top of Google results for your name. The optimize section gives you personal Search Engine Optimization tools and walkthroughs to take control of what people find when they Google your name.

Example Tool: Profile Organizer

An example tool within Optimize is the profile organizer. Here, you identify your digital footprint and build links to the sites you want to raise in Google. (Google counts each link to your sites as a “vote” saying your sites should show up higher in search results. The Optimize section helps you build and track powerful links to your positive content).


Now that relevant content shows up when you’re searched (which is reactive branding), it’s time toproactively promote that content in the right circles online. In the promote section, we give you daily recommendations of articles to read, blogs to comment on and people to connect with to grow your network. It’s like a personal assistant that tells you what to do next to promote your personal brand.

Example Tool: Twitter Network Builder

An example tool within Promote is the Twitter Network tool. This pipes in relevant tweets from people geographically nearby, and walks you through the process of growing a relevant professional network on Twitter that you can tap to promote your brand.


Monitoring your brand is an ongoing process. We track mentions of your name on the social web so you can immediately react by engaging with new fans, responding to damaging comments, etc. We also notify you when Google results for your name shift position, so you can stay aware of changes in how people perceive you.

Example Tool: Mentions Monitor

An example tool is the Mentions Monitor, which tracks who is mentioning your name on blogs. This helps you build relationships with bloggers talking about you, and stay aware of what people are saying about you in the blogosphere.

Once you try it for yourself, I’d love to hear your feedback on the new system. As CEO of Brand-Yourself, this is what I devote my heart and soul to. I’d love to hear your comments! What do you like? What don’t you like? What would you like to see that isn’t there?